dimanche 14 mars 2010

Mangas Fermer € 125m Expekt Deal

Mangas Capital Gaming (MCG), qui est le propriétaire majoritaire de Betclick a annoncé qu'ils ont acquis aujourd'hui une Expekt de paris sportifs et jeux de hasard. Après une longue série de discussions et de négociations, il est estimé que Expekt.com a finalement accepté de vendre à un prix entre € 110 et € 125m. Expekt est une opération basée à Malte qui a attiré l'œil par beaucoup dans l'industrie du jeu en ligne. Ils fournissent des services de paris sportifs depuis plus de 20 pays à travers l'Europe.

Leur présence a été particulièrement ressenti en Europe orientale. Ils se sont imposés comme une marque bien connue que les clients peuvent en toute sécurité à placer des paris. De nombreux experts estiment que Expekt formeront une relation raccord avec BetClic. Betclic est aussi une opération basée à Malte, mais se concentre principalement sur le marché français. En 1999, Christian Haupt et Conny Cesar fondé ce que nous savons maintenant que Expekt. Ces deux sont également propriétaires de casino et de poker logiciel d'opération Tain mais il est entendu que cette compagnie n'était pas impliqué dans la transaction. On croit aussi que leurs magasins de détail en Allemagne et en Autriche ne sont pas partie de l'accord non plus. Mangas Capital Gaming sera d'acheter le bookmaker Expekt backend ainsi que leurs fonctions de commercialisation et sa clientèle. It is expected that the current management team at Expekt, including their CEO Per Widerstrom will be retained. It is unclear at the present time as to whether there will be any redundancies among the rest of the staff currently working at Expekt.
MCG bought 75% of Betclick.com last May for an undisclosed fee. They are also rumoured to be in talks with Nordicbet in regards to a possible acquisition of their operation. In times of economic uncertainty it seems as though the team at MCG are going from strength to strength. This also means that other, struggling operations may see this as a perfect time to sell.
MCG is an offshoot of Mangas Captial Entertainment which was founded by Stephane Courbit who is the former head of Edemol France. We understand that MCG is partially bankrolled by the owners of the Monte Carlo Casino. The Societe des Bains de Mer (SBM) bought around about 50% of MCG last December for a deal thought to be worth about €100m. Sources close to SBM have revealed that they have known for quite a while that SBM have been looking for an avenue to get into the online gambling market. If recent success is any indicator, they look like they have made an intelligent decision.
An industry source has revealed that this latest Expekt deal made by MCG will not be the last. It is believed that they have more than €100m left in their investment pool for further acquisitions. The exact words the source used were “They are looking at other deals. The investment fund is well north of €100m. They have plenty more in the tank.” It looks like exciting times over at MCG at the moment as they look to extend their presence all across Europe and increase their market share. Only time will tell if they can capitalise on their large amount of investment funds to acquire more online gambling operations.

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